Friday, March 28, 2008

Unfortunate things...

Unfortunate things do happen, and it happened yesterday to my colleague yesterday. He was involved in a terrible accident yesterday morning. He was hit from the side by a speeding and careless vehicle, and he was thrown from his motorbike.

His right leg is broken in 7 locations, and he had surgery for 7 hours last night, and according to his wife, they had to stop the surgery since he was not stable. He is still in the ICU, and waiting for the next steps by the doctors, who are observing his condition.

All of us are praying for his recovery

Update 4/4/08
News from the hospital says thanks to the blood drive donation, they now have enough blood to proceed with the surgery, and they are now waiting for his fever to subside before proceeding with followup surgery


wanshana said...

Oh dear...How is he now? I hope he's out of danger.

afsi said...

Dear WS

as of today I have not heard of any news, good or bad. He will be undergoing another surgery tomorrow


wanshana said... mean to say, they had to postpone the surgery because the blood bank had run dry?

Scary thoughts.

I hope everything goes well for him. Amin.

afsi said...

Dear WS

it sure sounds that way.... His blood is type O, which I think can only be supplemented by type only... Well you should know since ayah is a doc..:)