Monday, November 17, 2008

Tears of Joy.... tears of sorrow..UPSR results comes around

UPSR results are out. I was at AF1's school for the results. Mama and I got there at about 12pm just in time when the Year 6 kids are assembled at the open hall of the school. Parents were starting to arrive at that point.

The Headmistress started to announce the overall results. There were improvement in all the subjects but not by much. probably around 10% increase in A achievements. Overall there were 70 students with straight A's compared to 64 last year.

The teacher called up each student one by one to get their results starting with class 6A. AF1 was in 6E so there was quite a wait for us. When her class' turn finally came, they let her class teacher do the honours to callup the students to get their result slip and announce the results as well. I was really really nervous waiting for her name to be called up. At least I dont have to wait long, her name starts with A and sure enough when the teacher calls up her name... 'AF1........5As!'

And I was going 'Alhamdulillah' all her hard work and our prayers have been answered. My eyes were swelling and tried damn hard not to let any tears flow. I was overjoyed, I was ecstatic and when I look over to her, she was smiling and still calm, keeping her composure.

Out of 40 kids in her class, one boy failed to get 5As. He ended up crying, consoled by the class teacher and his mom. There were contrasting scenes all around. There were kids crying tears of joy hugging each other (the girls of course), there were boys jumping for joy at their results, punching their hands in the air with triumph.

There were kids smiling although they got 3As. There were kids crying because they only obtained 4As. Overheard this one kid saying 'I'm dead man! I'm dead! My parents will kill me!'. There were kids running to hug their parents to show off their results. There were kids consoled by the teachers. There were kids comparing results, there were kids keeping the results to themselves. There were kids that was still sitting down, being cool as cucumbers...and AF1 falls in that category, grinning from ear to ear with her 3 best friends who got the same results as she did.

Maybe the expectations were different, maybe the circumstances are different. To some it was an achievement. To some it was satisfaction. To some it was a disappointment. And maybe to some it is expected.

It was really noisy and the teachers were having a hard time getting heard whatever announcement that they had to make.

Overall, I was happy she got the desired results. Whats next? Trying to get her into Kelas Rancangan Khas (KRK) in her Secondary school. AF1 doesnt want to go to boarding school and we are fine with that. So KRK is the next obvious choice. Got all the forms and all required attachments ready. Kiasu? I guess you could say that...definitely.

Whats next after that? 3 years.... AF1 will sit for her PMR and AF2 will sit for her UPSR. At least I can prepare mentally and physically for that...:)



Helena said...

bukan kiasula..... cuma ambil berat tentang hala tuju anak2.... boleh tak..... hehe

Congrats to AF1!!!! APa hadiahnya? hehe

wanshana said...

Hope it's not too late to wish AF1 (and her Papa and Mama, too!) the heartiest congratulations for the 5As results. I'm sure all of you are still on cloud nine :)

Same question as Helena's - apakah hadiahnya?!!! Hehehe!

afsi said...

Dear Helena & WS

Thanks for the wishes and congrats.

Hadiah.. she asked for a pair of converse shoes....