Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wise words perhaps?

Here is something that I read recently that may be applies to nearly everything in life

You would have three things in most solutions in life, whether it is work related or in everyday life

Good, Quick, Cheap

And in most cases you can have only two of these components, no matter what.

Good + Quick solution = Not Cheap
Good + Cheap solution = Not Quick
Quick + cheap solution = Not Good

How does that sounds? Take a pick of what you usually choose

On another note here is a riddle told to me by my 8 year old AF2

Farmer A sells vegetables
Farmer B sells fruits
What does Farmer C sells?

It had me thinking.....I said a lot of things and she would laugh at me each time saying I am wrong...

The answer.. Farmer C (pronounced - Pharmacy) sells medicine!

That sure puts a smile on my face...

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